​Proven Experience Commitment To Results

Were You Arrested For Domestic Battery?

When neighbors dial 911 after hearing a loud argument, the police are primarily interested in preventing a domestic dispute from escalating. When arriving on the scene, they rarely conduct extensive interviews or try to determine in any great detail who was responsible for the fight.

As a former criminal prosecutor, Gary D. Stone realizes that the police often arrest the husband, ex-husband or boyfriend in order to diffuse a situation, regardless of whether he is guilty of assault and battery.

The Lasting Consequences Of A Domestic Battery Conviction

Individuals convicted of domestic violence face serious criminal penalties that can have far-reaching consequences, including:

  • Jail sentence
  • Costly fines
  • Probation
  • Loss of child custody or visitation rights
  • Restraining order
  • A forced move out of family home
  • Lifetime revocation of your right to possess a firearm

Don’t let a charge of domestic violence change your life forever. Call an aggressive attorney immediately. The lawyer at the Stone Law Office defends people accused of domestic violence.

Defending Yourself Against Domestic Assault Charges

As your attorney, Mr. Stone interviews eyewitnesses, checks emergency room (ER) records and reviews police reports to determine what happened. He makes sure to tell his client’s side of the story to put what happened into context so that all the facts are presented.

When A Plea Bargain Makes Sense

If you are guilty of domestic violence but agree to attend counseling or get help for any drug or alcohol problems you might have, then the court may reduce your sentence. As your lawyer, Mr. Stone can help you evaluate your options and ask the court to consider a reduction in charges or sentencing.

Reach Out To Stone Law Office

To discuss your case and evaluate the options available to you, contact domestic violence attorney Stone today to schedule a free initial consultation. Call (913) 229-9209.